Inside the World of AI “Deepnude” Apps

If you’ve ever wanted to explore your wildest fantasies, AI “deepnude” apps—sometimes also called AI undressing apps—can give you an easy and accessible way to do just that. These apps will take any picture you upload to the service, and, with the help of advanced AI deep learning algorithms, transform it into a convincing nude, hence the name “deepnude.”

While nudity and AI have a storied history, in the right hands, the technology can be great for a multitude of reasons, from women who want to see what they might look like in revealing poses to couples who want to add a little spice to their relationship. Deepnude apps are especially great for those in a long-distance relationship, which has become far more common in today’s digital age. 

Couples sending each other nudes is nothing new, although the manual way requires them to buy all sorts of skimpy outfits and work out the best angles to take pictures, maybe even while solo—which requires plenty of ingenuity, flexibility, and probably a mirror. 

Deepnude apps throw this tried and true method of creating nudes out the window and make it easy to get more professional results with less effort. With a few clicks, you can have nudes created for you that rival that of professional photographers—without any discomfort that might come with setting up such an encounter. 

A History of Deepfake Porn and Deepnudes

Deepnudes aren’t really anything new—in a broad sense. Machine learning algorithms were first leveraged to create deepfake pornographic videos back in 2017. Those early examples simply took a pre-existing video and replaced the actors' faces with other people. It was easy to tell that these deepfaked videos were, well, fake, but as is the case with artificial intelligence, the technology advanced—and quickly. 

While deepfake videos continued to evolve and grow in quality, in 2019, an app by the name of DeepNude, which would become the colloquial term used to describe all future “deepnude” apps, came online (and almost as quickly, went back offline). This app allowed the user to submit a picture of a woman, and the AI algorithm would quickly turn that photo into a nude. As this early incarnation lacked a lot of the security found in more legitimate options, it was rife with ethical concerns, so this app was quickly taken offline. Though clones of this app continued to pop up and disappear almost daily, their mere existence helped pave the way for the more legitimate options available today, nearly five years later. 

Modern Deepnude Apps

Deepnude apps, especially web apps, are growing by the day. A single Google search will reveal a countless number of them. Each one has its own pricing structure and benefits, but many of them will do basically the same thing: they will undress any photo of you or your partner that you provide. The main downside to deepnude apps is that most of them are intended to be used with women, as that is the data that they are trained on. 

So, if you try to feed any of these apps with pictures of a man, weird things could occur—which admittedly might have its own wealth of fun to be had. However, if you’re a woman, or you have permission from your wife or girlfriend, these apps can be a treasure trove of spicy pics for you to share with each other. 

While a lot of these apps are dedicated to undressing the subject, many other ones work similarly to other AI image generators in that you input a text prompt, such as, “attractive anime woman catching a train but all her clothes have blown away in these hurricane-level winds,” and the generator will do its best to give you an image that aligns with that prompt. These AI generators are great for just about anyone.

Other options will split the difference, allowing you to upload images of yourself or your partner and select from a few customization options. Then, after a short wait of an hour or two, you get AI-altered images of you in a variety of outfits and poses. So, if you wanted to slide into your partner’s DMs with a picture of you as a dominatrix, these deepnude generators should tickle your fancy.

Pricing of Deepnude Apps

Where pricing is concerned, deepnude apps can vary, but most of them offer a similar pricing structure. For the low, low price of nothing, you can create images in a limited capacity, with very few bells and whistles or customization options. The resolution of these free images is usually on the low end, as well.

Most apps will augment this freemium service with subscription tiers, ranging from a few dollars a month to over $100 if you want every single bell and whistle and more. For virtually all deepnude apps, as you go higher in pricing tiers, you gain access to more images you can create per month, more customization options, higher resolution images, and increased queue priority. In many cases, these higher-priced tiers would allow you and your significant other to generate as many deepnudes as you would ever want. 

Overall, these apps provide a wealth of different payment options for users. If you want to dip your toes into the world of AI deepnude apps, you can check out the free version of a wide variety of apps. Then, if you like what you see (which you probably will), you can dive into the more expensive plans offered by many of these apps. 

How Deepnude Images Are Created

At the core of AI image creation, as for deepnudes—or just AI-generated images in general—is the concept of neural networks, which are computational models inspired by the human brain's structure and function. Basically, they involve a slew of different neurons that all work together to try to solve a problem. 

In our case, that problem is how to make AI-generated images look as real as possible. And since computers work far faster and learn much quicker than real human brains, neural networks are improving the quality of these images at lightning speeds. 

Embrace the GAN

Among these different neural networks, generative adversarial networks (GANs) are particularly instrumental in generating high-quality images. Virtually all of the deepnudes apps you will find online will be built using this type of model. A GAN consists of two neural networks: the generator and the discriminator. 

The creation of AI deepnudes begins with training a GAN on a vast dataset of real human bodies. This dataset must be diverse, encompassing a wide range of ages, ethnicities, and body types to ensure the AI can generate a broad spectrum of deepnude images. During training, the generator starts by producing random images. 

Meanwhile, the discriminator’s goal is to evaluate the images created by the generator against real images in an attempt to decide which image is real and which is fake. As the GAN continues to train, the generator becomes better at tricking the discriminator, which then becomes better at telling the reals from the fakes.

In essence, this leads the GAN to try to “outdo” itself by creating increasingly realistic images. To get a sense of how powerful the GAN model is, you can visit this site to see randomly generated images of people’s faces. If you refresh the page enough, you’ll undoubtedly notice a few artifacts and mistakes, but for the most part, these faces look indistinguishable from real people. 

The discriminator’s role is crucial here, as it acts as a quality control mechanism, ensuring that only the most lifelike images are produced.

To create specific types of deepnudes, such as those depicting certain ethnicities or body types, the GAN can be fine-tuned. This involves training the model on targeted datasets that emphasize the desired attributes. That way, the deepnude comes out looking realistic and not unnatural or full of mistakes. 

Additionally, techniques such as conditional GANs (cGANs) allow for more controlled image generation. cGANs introduce additional inputs to the generator, enabling the specification of certain characteristics in the output images, such as hair color, eye shape, or facial expressions.

To further enhance the realism of deepnudes, AI generators can use style transfer techniques. Style transfer involves blending the style of one image with the content of another. For instance, the texture and lighting of a professionally taken photograph can be applied to an AI-generated deepnude, making it appear as though it was captured by a skilled photographer. This technique leverages neural networks to separate and recombine the content and style of images in a way that enhances the overall aesthetic quality.

Ethical and Legal Concerns

As you might expect from anything that could be remotely considered pornographic in nature—and AI deepnude apps certainly fit that criteria—their emergence has sparked plenty of ethical and legal concerns due to their potential misuse. Despite the fun that could be had by consenting parties who use these apps, they are using artificial intelligence to create nude images, raising several important issues. 

Ethically speaking, AI deepnude apps pose the potential to violate privacy and consent. Though every app forbids it, these tools can still be used to create explicit images of women without their knowledge or consent, leading to the potential for significant emotional and psychological harm. This misuse can result in harassment, blackmail, and reputational damage. Additionally, the availability of such apps might contribute to a culture of objectification and exploitation, reinforcing harmful societal norms and behaviors.

From a psychological standpoint, the creation and distribution of non-consensual explicit images can have devastating effects on the victims, which is why it is so exceedingly important to use these tools responsibly. Their misuse can lead to anxiety, depression, and a loss of trust in technology and personal relationships. The potential for widespread misuse makes it imperative to consider the ethical implications seriously.

Legally, the use of AI deepnude apps can infringe on various laws related to privacy, consent, and image rights. In many jurisdictions, creating and distributing explicit images of individuals without their consent is a criminal offense. This includes laws against revenge porn and cyber harassment, which are designed to protect individuals from having their images misused. The developers and users of such apps could potentially face severe legal consequences if their actions violate these laws.

Furthermore, there is a growing demand for more robust legal frameworks to address the challenges posed by these technologies. Existing laws may not fully cover the nuances of AI-generated content, leading to calls for updated regulations that specifically address the capabilities and potential abuses of AI.

Despite these concerns, it's essential to acknowledge the innovative aspects of AI deepnude apps. The underlying technology demonstrates significant advancements in artificial intelligence, image processing, and machine learning. These technologies have potential applications beyond their misuse, such as in medical imaging, virtual reality, and creative industries.

To mitigate the risks, many companies creating deepnude apps have implemented strict ethical guidelines and safeguards. This includes ensuring that their technology is used responsibly and providing mechanisms for individuals to report misuse. Additionally, collaboration with legal experts and policymakers can help create a regulatory environment that balances innovation with the protection of individual rights.

While AI undressing apps represent a significant technological achievement, their potential for abuse necessitates a careful examination of ethical and legal considerations. By fostering a culture of responsibility and implementing robust safeguards, it is possible to harness the benefits of AI while minimizing harm. Developers, users, and regulators must work together to ensure that these tools are used in ways that respect privacy and uphold ethical standards.

Final Words

Ultimately, when used responsibly, AI deepnude apps provide an avenue for women or couples to explore new and exciting (and probably titillating) avenues, especially if they are long distance—or just looking to add more fun to the DMs they share. They’re also great for any woman looking to produce a wide range of different types of content.

So, if you like the idea of having professional-level nudes at your disposal, then deepnudes will provide just that. Best yet, most of these tools are pretty affordable at the low end.