How AI is going to change the health and wellness space

AI is advancing faster than our human minds can evolve. This is why so many of the discussions around the table in the health and wellness space seem to bring us back to one question; how AI is going to change the health and wellness space. 

Today we’ll dive deep into this topic to help you better understand how AI is shifting this industry and perhaps taking it by storm. By the end of this article, you will be able to determine whether you think AI is going to be an overly positive or negative advancement in the health and wellness industry. 

What is AI? 

For those who aren’t familiar with AI, AI is short for artificial intelligence. This is something that is expanding into many areas of the real world these days. AI is used to help writers craft content ideas, CEOs create business plans, and how to handle ailments in ways that the human brain hasn’t come up with. 

Ai has a chance to transform the creation of new drugs for wellness. This advanced intelligence will also help change the way we look at fitness routines and nutrition. While we won’t begin to know just how far AI can go, we will discuss how AI is going to change the health and wellness space based on where it is today. 

How AI is Going to Change the Health and Wellness Space 

There are a few key categories in which we foresee AI changing the landscape in our health and wellness space. Here are just a few of the ways we feel AI can possibly enhance our health and wellness space for the better: 

Health Applications 

AI applications, as in apps that are run by AI in many areas of the health and wellness space can create a more efficient and effective environment for doctors, nutritionists, and others. A surgeon may just use an AI powered application as an assistant for their next operation, thus minimizing the room for human error where it may otherwise be significant. 

Early Detection Techniques 

When it comes to making sure that your treatment will work in any part of the health and wellness space, early detection can be key. This is where AI can assist. AI is capable of helping with analytics as it pertains to your risk of developing certain diseases or conditions known to be passed down in genetics. 

This can also aid in helping patients with early treatments to deter the disease or condition from even occurring in their body or mind later in life. 

Personalized Plans or Recommendations 

Most people in the health and wellness industry can provide their patients or customers with personalized plans or relatively decent recommendations on what supplements to take or lifestyle changes to make. Yet, nothing can surpass how well AI can be at developing these plans and recommendations on a deeper level.

AI doesn’t have human emotion, so it’s clearly much better at pinpointing a personalized plan without accounting for any human emotion such as feeling pity or sympathy for another human. A personalized plan or recommendation from AI may just become more beneficial to the patient than the plans a human mind can create in the future. 

Chatbot Wellness Checks 

Right now you probably experience something called Chatbots when you try to schedule an appointment with your doctor or maybe visit a health and wellness site. These chatbots are run by AI technology and serve the purpose of helping customers or patients find the right path on the website or patient portal. 

These chatbots can help you determine whether you need immediate medical assistance, a specific herbal remedy, or maybe monitor your condition at home. This way in which AI is changing the health and wellness space ensures that doctors have time to spend with those who need immediate medical care. 

Drug Discovery 

The machine learning part of AI can help play an important role in creating new medicine and treatment options for various illnesses. Having AI run predictions and patterns based on known data from patients with various illnesses will help the program develop medication ideas and formulas that humans could take centuries to craft. 


AI can also help the average person try to understand their body and mind better. In having a chat with an AI program online, you can ask questions about a symptom you have and find solutions easier than you could have in the old days.

AI driven programs like ChatGPT and others are quickly sharing information that they found online, and putting it into a database that helps the average person learn more about their health and wellness. This could be a physical or mental ailment, and it has truly helped people find supplements that help them in their life and learn what questions to ask their doctor to find quicker solutions for their ailments. 

Is AI changing the health and wellness space for the better? 

As you can see, there are many advancements in AI as of today that can help change the health and wellness space for better or for worse. In most cases, we feel that AI can help human doctors or nutritionists take care of their patients and customers on a whole new level. 

In other instances, AI may not be better than human interaction with the health and wellness industry. For example, we mentioned that AI doesn’t have human emotion, so this can cause an issue with someone looking for help with a mental health concern. If you’re struggling with mental health issues, having a real person with a little compassion can go a long way.

However, in time, AI will be a bit more emotional or at least understanding of our human emotions, and when that day comes? Life in the real world and especially the health and wellness space will be transformed forever.

Now that you know more about how AI is going to change the health and wellness space, it’s time to make a choice for yourself. Do you think that AI is going to benefit humankind, or make it worse? We all have our concerns and thoughts about this new expanding technology in our lives, we hope that you will take a moment to soak in all of the information we shared today to determine if you think AI can help us for the better or not.