Are AI bots more attractive than human beings

Have you ever thought about what AI should look like? Well first, let’s discuss what AI is. AI is artificial intelligence and the advancements will blow your mind! At least, we were mind-blown when we realized that there are AI bots being built that resemble a closer appearance to humans than robots. 

Watch out iRobot, the humans have done it again! We’ve developed some life-like humanoids and they’re coming for your life. Kidding. We are kidding! We have no idea what will happen with these AI bots that resemble human beings, but we can speculate as to whether or not they’ll be more attractive than human beings. 

A company recently shared its vision for an agent working as a customer service representative or similar looking more human-like. This AI bot will be programmed to look like a human, act like a human, and present itself with more human characteristics than ever before. 

The facial expressions will mimic human emotion, and with many body language experts sharing their expertise online on what to look for, it’s no wonder AI can become more human-like. AI programs are trained to soak up all of the knowledge on the internet, and so they can easily learn what body language needs to be mimicked for various human emotions when developing a program for an AI bot that is more attractive, or as attractive, as human beings. 

Many companies are in a race to create the most human looking AI bot that also behaves similarly to human beings. We’ve even seen people who have AI girlfriends, and this is just the beginning! AI is a technology that’s advancing itself faster than the human brain can evolve.

It’s no wonder more and more men are opting to go with an AI bot as they no longer have to go out into society as it is today and try to compete with other men vowing for women’s attention. While you cannot procreate with an AI bot, they do look pretty decent in some of the later AI bot models. 

Now that we shared a bit about AI bots, let’s discuss the question at hand a bit further; are AI bots more attractive than human beings? 

What are female AI bots all about? 

We’ve heard that most men say female AI bots are friendlier than regular human women. This may be a key to saying that some men feel female AI bots are more attractive than human beings when considering all physical and mental factors. 

Many studies say that people in general prefer a female AI bot over a male AI bot because the voice of a female is more attractive than a man’s voice. While the AI bot’s voice has slight hint of robotic sound in their voice, AI is advancing pretty quickly.

Even social media sites, like TikTok, have a female or male voice that uses AI to convert your voice into an AI voice when creating video templates on their platform. The AI voice that you create on these platforms is what the AI bots will use to help program themselves to become more attractive than human beings. 

What defines attractive? 

In order to determine whether or not AI bots are more attractive than human beings, we need to develop a list of what we find attractive. We need to agree on what characteristics we will compare in order to determine whether or not AI bots surpass those when compared to humans. 

There are many parts of the human body and personality that could be considered when debating as to whether an AI bot is more attractive than human beings. If you want to rank these AI bots on physical appearance, then you may find that the AI bots are more attractive than human beings. 

The reason is simple; you can build an AI bot to have whatever physical attributes that you find attractive. Some may want a female with a large chest, or butt or small options of those. Then there’s the smile and the eyes. What color eyes do you find attractive? What color hair do you find attractive?

All of these physical features will determine whether or not you find an AI bot more attractive than a human being. And then we can move on to the personality traits that you find attractive. Maybe you want a male or female that’s mostly agreeable, then you can have an AI bot like that and it would most certainly be consistently agreeable. 

You see, these AI bots are programmed to work as they are told to. There is no human emotion or fluctuations in hormones causing the AI bot to “behave unattractively” as one may call it. This would obviously mean that an AI bot could become more attractive to people who want a specific personality at all times from a partner. 

With all these being said, there are things that an AI bot cannot replace at this time. These things include the ability to truly relate to an experience you’re having. They are unable to procreate with you, although we’re pretty sure the mavens in the AI industry will figure this option out soon enough.

AI bots cannot think for themselves, and they won’t do anything except please you by being the most attractive version of an AI bot that you purchased from a creator. These AI bots will surely be a useful tool for many parts of our human lives, but we’re not quite convinced that AI bots are more attractive than human beings considering all factors. 

As you can see, this is no longer science fiction, there are many companies vying for the first spot to have the most attractive AI bot that’s both male and female. This is going to be a huge shift for humankind in the near future. Keep your eyes open and be sure to decide what team you’re on when it comes to AI bots; team AI or team Human.