AI-Made Deep Nudes Are Everywhere: What to Know

AI is sleeker, smarter, and better than ever. When it comes to streamlining workflows, this can make AI a godsend. But what happens when AI is used to create unsolicited deep nudes that can have long-term repercussions for someone’s reputation? 

AI-made deep nudes seem to be increasing in prevalence, making both celebrities and everyday people potential targets. In this article, we discover everything you need to know about AI-made deep nudes, from why they’re created to the ethical implications of them. 

What are AI-Made Deep Nudes? 

AI-made deep nudes are computer-generated images of naked people. 

Also known as deep fakes, AI-made deep nudes use computer software and machine learning to superimpose the face of a person onto the body of a naked person. These creations can be images or videos, with the body shown being full-frontal or performing sexual acts with another person. 

There are numerous ways to create AI-made deep nudes. A commonly used option is through AI clothes remover apps or websites. You’ll be asked to upload photos or selfies of clothed individuals to generate the deep nudes. In some cases, keywords or text prompts can be utilized for customization.

You can create your own AI-made deep nudes at any time. However, the issue arises if you create these deep nudes on behalf of other people — especially if they are not aware of it, or you’re creating it for unethical reasons. 

Where are AI-Made Deep Nudes Used?

Whether you're unfamiliar with AI-generated deep nudes or already knowledgeable about them, you may be curious about why they are created and what they can be used for.

Despite popular belief, AI-made deep nudes can be used for more than just sexual purposes. Creative industries like art, gaming, and film can use AI-made deep nudes for artistic purposes, without the need for a person to strip down on camera. 

  • Art. The human body has been immortalized in art for centuries. AI-made deep nudes can be used as a focal point in numerous types of art forms, from modern graphics to digital art. 
  • Film, gaming, and entertainment. From creating realistic nude prototypes of female characters to enhancing CGI, AI-made deep nudes can be implemented for various entertainment purposes. 
  • Pornography. A more obvious reason for the creation of AI-made deep nudes is for pornography. Since different faces can be superimposed onto the body of pornstars (or other naked forms), this makes it a cost-effective way to create high quantities of porn in one go. 
  • Sexual abuse. An unethical and often illegal reason to create AI-made deep nudes is for sexual abuse, whether that’s revenge porn, harassment, or blackmail. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to stop the spread of these deep nudes once they’re available on the internet, which is why educating people on the legal implications of this is crucial. 

The Benefits of AI 

So, why has AI exploded in popularity? Part of the reason why interest in AI-made deep nudes has been rising is due to how much AI seems to be ingrained in modern society. From ChatGPT to AI tools that create artwork and text in a matter of minutes, AI has transformed how we carry out our work.

Across various fields, AI can have a positive impact. Here are some potential benefits: 

  • Boost creative endeavors by helping with the ideation and creation process. 
  • Improve productivity, saving time and effort in the long run. 
  • Enhance efficiency in the workplace.
  • Get almost infinite customization options — you are not limited to physical possibilities. 

The Limitations of AI 

While AI comes with many perks, there are also several drawbacks to this technology. 

  • The content produced lacks nuance and a “human touch.” Low-quality AI generators can produce a robotic end result, especially when it comes to creative content like artwork, writing, music, and poetry. 
  • When used inappropriately, AI can cause harm to people, communities, and the wider society. Misuse of AI can be combated with proper education and regulations or policies implemented by the AI generator platforms, but the potential for misuse is still high.

The Ethical Implications of AI-Made Deep Nudes 

While AI comes with many benefits, the rapid proliferation of AI-made deep nudes brings up some potential ethical implications that can have detrimental effects on a person’s well-being and relationships. 

Invasion of Privacy

Creating your own AI-made deep nudes for curiosity or to share with others while maintaining control, isn’t seen as an invasion of privacy. However, it gets complicated once someone else is creating these images. 

Using pictures of someone’s face or likeness to create nude images of them is a distinct invasion of privacy. A big ethical point of consideration is the ability for someone to have a choice over their own body and how their images are being used.

Even if the nude body being created isn’t actually what they look like naked, the depiction of AI-made deep nudes can lead to the person feeling embarrassed and shameful. 

Violation of Consent

Unless you have received explicit consent from the person whose likeness you are using, creating AI-made deep nudes is a clear violation of consent. Just like sexual intercourse or other activities of a sexual nature, consent from both parties is required.

Sexual Abuse

Unfortunately, the creation of AI-made deep nudes can also be used for sexual abuse, including sexual manipulation, coercion, and blackmail. This is due to how easy it is to create AI deep nudes. 

When the creation and distribution of this content is used for sexual abuse, this can have unparalleled negative effects on someone’s emotional and mental well-being. 

Impact on Relationships with Themselves and Others

Even in an open-minded society, AI-made deep nudes can have a negative impact on relationships, both personal and professional. When these nudes are distributed, this can lead to public scrutiny, judgment, and unwanted harassment from others. It can even destroy someone’s reputation overnight, especially if the content is distributed around the workplace. 

Worst of all, viewing AI-made deep nudes of oneself, created by another person, can cause individuals to question their close relationships, build distrust within themselves, and experience long-term psychological distress.

Distrust Surrounding AI Content

With such advancements in AI content over the past few years, it can be hard to distinguish what’s real from fake. The undermining of trust in digital media can complicate how we view digital content in the future, and make it easier for unreliable journalism, the spreading of false information, and even incorrect legal evidence. 

Final Thoughts

AI-generated content isn’t going away anytime soon. With more and more people able to create and distribute content like AI-made deep nudes, understanding what they are and how they can be distributed is crucial, for proper safeguarding and awareness. 

While AI-made deep nudes can be utilized for a wide range of entertainment and artistic purposes, education and discussion around the ethical implications of this content must be established. When used for malicious purposes, AI-made deep nudes can have harmful repercussions on the victims and wider society. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

How are AI-Made Deep Nudes Created? 

AI-made deep nudes are created by utilizing AI-driven applications that specialize in creating deep fake nudes. 

These tools use deep learning, a type of artificial intelligence that analyzes images to manipulate them. These algorithms can make approximations of the details of clothing and the human form underneath by recognizing patterns and features in the image. Because these algorithms also have access to large datasets of nude images, they can replicate realistic-looking depictions of the human body.

Users can create AI-deep nudes with deep fake nude generators. There are a lot of generators out there, with a range of prices and functionalities (like customization, hyper-realistic images, and more). Choosing the right one will depend on your preferences and whether privacy and security are of utmost importance to you. 

Are AI-Made Deep Nudes Illegal? 

Due to the rapid evolution of AI software, the legalities surrounding AI-made deep nudes are still in their infancy. Overall, AI deep nude generators are not illegal and creating deep fakes is not considered malicious, especially if they’re only used for personal or artistic reasons.

However, once distribution is taken into consideration, they can quickly become illegal — especially when it comes to non-consensual pornography, images that include underage minors, and blackmail. 

The specific legalities can vary from case-to-case, and differ within different countries and states. For example, in the US, the states of California and New York allow individuals to sue deep fake creators in court. In the UK, the Online Safety Act deems the sharing of deep fake pornography as illegal.

As countries begin to evolve their legislations around AI software and the safeguarding of minors and potential victims of AI-made deep nudes, you can expect more laws that help to protect people from malicious intent. 

Can Anyone Create an AI-Made Deep Nudes? 

The short answer is yes. Due to the advanced nature of AI deep nude generators, it’s relatively easy to get started and let the AI handle the complex work. You only need access to a computer, wi-fi, the application or website, and a few pictures and/or text prompts. 

Of course, some low-quality AI generators may create less-than-desirable AI-made deep nudes. In some cases, trial and error may be required when it comes to the pictures you upload and the type of generator you use. 

For high-level artistic or entertainment purposes, additional tweaking may be required to get a seamless end result. While AI is advancing at a rapid pace, some AI-made deep nudes can look clunky and robotic. To avoid that dreaded “uncanny valley” look, additional Photoshop or CGI will be required to make images look as natural as possible. 

How Do I Prevent Becoming a Victim of AI-Made Deep Nudes? 

Unfortunately, with the rise of social media and AI platforms, the spread of AI-made deep nudes for sinister reasons is something that can occur. Apart from its effects on your mental and emotional well-being, becoming a victim of AI-made deep nudes can have a detrimental impact on your reputation and relationships. So how do you prevent this from occurring? 

While there’s no way to 100% prevent yourself from becoming a victim, here are some tips to potentially lower your risk: 

  • Keep your social media accounts private, not public, and limit the number of public-facing pictures you post on the internet. 
  • Keep your electronic devices secure, with up-to-date passwords and safeguarding tools. 
  • Keep open communication with your friends and family about sharing personal images online, and the prevalence of AI-made deep nudes. 

If you happen to be a victim of AI-made deep nudes, there are several steps you can follow to increase your chance of the content being taken down. 

  1. Report the images or videos on the social media platform they have been posted on. 
  2. Collect evidence and potential information about the creator of the deep nudes. 
  3. Collaborate with police and legal professionals if needed. In most cases, they will have a strong case, especially if they have enough information about the creator of the nudes and there are laws in your country that protect against blackmail and sexual harassment. 
  4. Get assistance from therapists or mental health professionals. Having AI-made deep nudes created of you can have a direct impact on your state of mind. If you’re having dark thoughts, put yourself first and get the help that you need.